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Where did the name Wilkii & Co come from?Updated 9 months ago

The name Wilkii & Co holds a special meaning for us and reflects the journey of our founder, Tatiana Greenfield Smith, who was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 7. During one of her therapy appointments, Tatiana vividly remembers the psychiatrist telling her mother that ADHD is not a willpower issue. This statement deeply resonated with Tatiana, as it emphasized that her innermost self and power were not in control of her thoughts, abilities, and hyperactivity.

With this sentiment in mind, Tatiana created the name Wilkii, which stands for "Wilkii Power Is Key." It takes the concept of willpower, but with a unique twist. For Tatiana, willpower represents the innermost power of oneself—the ability to control ADHD, recognize when to seek help, and understand the systems and tools needed to thrive.

At Wilkii & Co, we embrace this philosophy of harnessing our inner power, embracing our strengths, and utilizing the right strategies and support to navigate the challenges that ADHD presents. We are here to empower individuals with ADHD to unlock their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.

If you have any more questions or would like to learn more about our journey or services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. We're here to support you on your ADHD journey and help you tap into your Wilkii Power.

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